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Sign up for our sporadic Tech Assessments
We've closed our QRC store with no casualties, it might have been our idea to bring it to the market but was quickly picked up by the masses, some offering dynamic links for free. If your business is into such detail management and needs help, we're available for consultations.
Looking for video training look at our playlists at @BEADLLC from DataScience to Latest Verified and Tested Tech blogs by one of the noted Authorities on Technologies Assessment (White Papers to National Security Symposium Speaker) to our Heavy Metal Support Playlist, it's better than caffeine.
Meanwhile, after a decade of trying to be the sole source of every technology customer as a secure service, we've instead opted to blog for those corporate giants. While worthwhile to tell people what works and what doesn't, it's an ad. Save us from such ignominy with a 1099 B2B to our single-member LLC, for your custom or contractable commissions.
Enjoy our BLOGs on Tech Assessment.
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